Sunday, April 22, 2007


SO...where do i start??? the last few months have been...well...fuck it, i hate the word too but EPIC really hits the nail on said nail head...

So what's gone down you ask? well...Bri (better known as "dreamdate") came across the country to spend some quality time, and a quality time we sure had...took her to all my favorite spots and she got to meet a good amount of my homies out here...then, just as she leaves, the Shelter Seed Squad (Bova and White) shows up at my door all "dude, whatsup"...and im all..."dude, rad!" and theyre all "dude, sick!" and im all out of ways to make this funny...

Not only that but the Silly Pink Bunny convention was the same weekend which means SPB Dons from all over the country (including upstate ny) would be making shreddery all over your asses...and by that i mean some really good times were on the horizon...So as you can tell my plate was full...kinda like how my head is full of pot-addled brain cells and didnt load my pictures in any kind of cronological before you get a headache from the randomness of the following set of pics just remember...uhmmmm...eli whitney invented something...actually some broad invented said "thing" first but she doesnt count because...uhmmm...yeah this is why im in art school and not "real" me fuckers...

oh and enjoy...its a shame i wont be keeping the same room for next year so i could keep this wall of fame going but ill still keep it going somehow...
pidgeons love my blueberry muffin crumbs...i almost got to catch one too...i wouldve named him or her "sawyer"...
i coulnt time this frontside to save my life, and the one time i actually get it right, he fucking bails...he made it plenty of other times trust me i swear...
senor blanco
post-BBQ BBQ on the last night of the SPB convention...
SF's #1 tour guide for all things sick...TIMMY JAKS and his soon to be bangin' motorcycle...
Bova is as Bova does...
you spend your sundays your way...ill spend them drunk and full of nitrates...
taking it all in...
this dude's dogs put on a demo during the BBQ...
nah' mean?
where there are JAKS...there shall be skate-hockey...
"Vinnie Vegas" getting some lovin...although he's completely blacked out drunk so...he'll be bummed in the morning...
the SF L.A.W. (ladies arm wrestlin') champ...who we'll see later...
my tiny dorm room turned into quite the "skave"

on our way to the SPB BBQ (told you the order was all fucked up)
semi-final-steez of L.A.W.
officially official...
L.A.W. finals...400+ dollars and a sweet trophy on the line...east coast v. west coast...word bon. (east coast wins)
need i say anything?

dude was in for a rude awakining...
more L.A.W. action...

one of my favorite shots of the night....(el bandito won the whole shebang)

troublesome teens...
thats jeremiah in the back with the mic, he put the whole party together and was master of ceremony all night...well done mate!
okay i lied before...THIS is my favorite shot of the night...FUCKING EPIC...
BOVA is experiencing all sorts of wierd changes with his body these days...
again i cant time this fucking frontside...still stylie though...
HAD to show the youngin's whats really good...IN-N-OUT burgers all around...
just try and tell me you arent wishing you were right here...
fucking incredible...

incriminating BOVA via the world wide web...

now for some artsy fartsy shots from the plane ride home from NY...


leave me some comments makes me feel all fuzzy inside... urethera.

untill next time...