Sunday, June 17, 2007

Chronicles of Sh'baggary via the world wide series of tubes!

Ladies and gentlemen...its my great pleasure to grace this humble blog with the likes of such beautiful creatures a Crunchy Black aka Cereal Bowl aka Cunty Bitch aka Craker Bastard and so on...along with none other than Mr. Little Smithers aka Evan Smith aka Time to Get your own Driver's Permit aka im running out of ideas...anyway...moving on...CB, Evan and myself took a nice lil' daytrip to GB Mass to see none other than SFA at the Garden Skateshop to git'er'did and so on...spent some QT at the park and finished the night off with the most delicious burger ive had in years...washed it all down with some ol'timey shuffleboard...enjoy...


The Garden Skateshop in Great Barrington MA...go get geared up...tell'em TT sent you and see how far it gets you...

then we were off to the Brickhouse Pub to bro out over Brickhouse burgers and shuffleboard...

So this is my new roomate far he's hasnt warmed up to me too well...maybe this sensitive flick of him will turn things around...

Fun with long exposures...arent we clever?

We met up at Qua's for a great mini-sesh...good times had by all...thanks mate!

when youve skated the shit out of every nook and cranny you can find in the city, you gotta get'r'done the DIY way...mixin the quick'crete at an undisclosed apartment...

yeah so thats it for now...hope your not as let down as i hope your not...

drugs and kisses...TT

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